Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Gmail Edition

I got sick of never being able to find anything in gmail due to the large number of emails (exaggeration) I've received over the years. I've been spending a few minutes here or there each day organizing my emails into their appropriate folders (this blog post is fascinating I know). Here's a buried treasure I rediscovered in the process...


I've only got 1,500 emails left to organize. Remember that time I was going to go to Law School? Gmail does. Remember that time I was unemployed and tried to get a job at the Food Network as a food critic? Gmail does. Remember the time I learned Herb Brook's speech from Miracle to give to my lacrosse team? No? You don't remember those time? Gmail does.


Unknown said...

Haha. I love it! When are you coming back to visit us?

Anonymous said...

haha food network food critic??! best job ever! can you please continue pursuing this?