Friday, December 17, 2010

Training Day

Ok, it was more like training week... but that's not the name of a movie. As I mentioned I recently started a new job. They flew all of their new hires down to San Diego for training. The days were long and jam packed but I learned a lot and had fun exploring San Diego by night with my new coworker/friends

I had already been working for a few weeks before going to training and had been working with a few accounts. While in training, I was able to close my first deal and celebrated... as is tradition, by banging the giant gong in front of my "classmates"

In other news... our training instructor shared this video with us and I cried, I was laughing so hard. Here you go...

1 comment:

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

THAT MOVIE MADE MY DAY!!! We could not stop laughing!! Way to go the gong. Miss you.