Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Utah,

I will miss you're big, tall, snow capped mountains...
but for now I'm trading them in for some rolling golden hills!

I'm going to miss this little baby tot and her parents and grandparents a whole bunch, plus lots of long time Provo friends who decided to be lame and not follow me on this new adventure.

but I am excited to be a bit closer to this little guy and his parents, not to mention a few old friends and hopefully some new ones!

Me and Momster reached Palo Alto tonight after a day full of driving (12 hours to be exact).
A few of our life lessons from the road:
1) Brian Reagan is still as funny as ever
2) The book "Eat, Pray, Love" is complete trash
3) Reno, Nevada is complete trash.

In other road trip news... picture this: We had just driven over one of many hills, the sun begins to set, San Francisco Bay comes into view, when the radio begins to play Journey's classic "Lights" ( Fate has spoken.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy you are safe! Get settled soon. I also just want to point out that you are the first to break up the MEAN GIRLS!!! Soo saaaad! :(

When you come back, YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!!! buuut i don't really mean that.

Update your bloggy lots (and I'm still pulling for Ghiradelli)!

Karim said...

Eat. Pray. Love. sucked big time. Have you seen the movie.

PS. Definitely forgot you had a blog.